2024apr16. post-COA Harv writes.
Last week Harv ALMOST completed a closure of COA Computing -- including defense of his energy spent as if there might be some magical psychological short cut, or simply, better luck with Harv's next life period, akin to jumping from the fry pan into the fire.
Harv moves on. With COA Computing closed (nearly, whereas practice makes 'perfect' after every micro/macro closure). He proceeds with COA Dining as the basis of elder sociality, including continued discussion of mutual computing problems. But his controlled sociality time is greatly reduced vis shedding of past Computing Activity. He now has freed time to move on to focus on 'better' tasks, projects, ... Perhaps this Modus Operandi is a fatal flaw. However, his life flow being portrayed in Blogger means to him not a flaw but growth -- as in a human's universal fulfillment needs, that is, existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs.
Why closure of any life period?