spirit principles

 Y86 blog page moved into tome blog post originally from Scrivener.  Perhaps to be 'tomed' as-is to evidence 1990s-2000s write effort.

article 1838  "Spirit commands /principles" 1994neo2004may04 neo2022July14

******** article 1838 begins 

“Spirit commands: A replacement theology for self re-creation” 1994neo2004may04neo2022July14

{somewhere there is a “Spirit Principle” essay/article/posting/…

******** article 1994 begins [note 1994 is year not article #]

“Spirit commands: A replacement theology for self re-creation” neo2004may04}

(3rd iteration – note 1) Atchison KS and Leawood KS (1994-1995)

Recently (April 2004) Harv thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice if he had his spirit-in-the-Bible article posted to his web site?” And after a bit format work, here it is. Of note: Harv was again able to appreciate his verb-descriptor-noun version of spirit in the Bible – Table R.2.

For the future, Harv’s web site hosts have afforded the opportunity for an even more frequent review. “Ah,” the advantages of ‘publication’. “Read Harv, read! See ‘Spot’ jump…[another ‘senior’ moment].”

>Content [these were page links]

·           Abstract

·           Gen.eral background

·           Specific background

·           Method

·           Summary

·           Uses

·           Next

·           Reference tables


Personal responsibility for one's spiritual life can be based on re-creation of the self within the context of church.  One church catechism defines God as a Spirit.  The bible provides near 700 chapter and verse references for creative study of spirit.  Categorized, the near 700 references provide 12 spirit principles that can replace the perhaps lackluster ten commandments, thus the names Spirit Commands and Replacement Theology come into being for the purpose of divine-self re-creation.

>General background

Through a half-century of life, the author has been spirited (note 2), and probably will remain so.  His persistent search for the re-creation (note 2) of one's self - a personal function that brings one from their inevitable spiritual lowlands - has caused him to create the Spirit Commands (note 2) and his Replacement Theology.

Dis-creation of self can go unrecognized, masked by our ignorance of other reality, or masked by the culture's definition of recreation.  As the years and decades of adult life proceed, the spiritual lowlands of personal dis-creation can come with surprise if we are uneducated about the thing called self and its spiritual life, sometimes called the soul - that special imprint of humanity.

When affirming one's self as stuck in the lowlands or wilderness, not until one sees some progress in one's condition or situation, does the re-create life-function appear as a route or way traveled.  It's sort of like indiscernibly driving up a winding road, to eventually crest the highland ahead.  All along the way, one drives up, with the lowlands within one's side sight.  As one nears the crest, a stop can be made, looking back from whence one came.  The way was winding (note 3) and windy.

One of those re-creation turns can be seen as researching or re-searching the root word spirit as used in the Bible.  As you re-search the following, remember that it presents only one of the many twists and turns on the way out of spiritual lowness - a natural human malady.

>Specific background

Most recently (1994) the author has become a member of The Village Presbyterian Church, after a dozen year absence from active church membership.  Prior, he was educated Catholic at the elementary, high school, and college level - the latter by the Jesuits.  In life, most of the theological models for life had failed him - God's love, marriage, the crucifixion of dying early, church and community service, tithe, church office, worship service...

With involvement in The Village Church ministries, he was again attracted to church membership - joy, love, and freedom were at work (note 4). However - attempts at worship service instantly failed.

Then the Village Church Presbyterian catechism led him to search out the meaning of its first statement - "God is a Spirit...." (note 5). Previous Village Church regular educational classes had piqued his interest, and had armed him with some tools and perspective.

The Presbyterian Survey magazine (note 6) shared more perspective on "Why Presbyterians argue so much."  Thus the author wrote about his research into the spirit.  One minister wanted to respond to the author's written thoughts but volunteered that he didn't know how.  Another minister responded to the author's question of, "Can I be an adult of God," with, "No, you can only be an adult child of God."  Those old and once-before discarded corporate church models were again getting in the way of what the author considered a personal responsibility for his spiritual growth.  To that end, many church members were encouraging and one recommendation was particularly and specifically encouraging (note 7). The credibility of his Spirit Commandments and his Replacement Theology were validated.  The process of defined argument could now continue.


Sanction was thusly established for what the author saw as "the study of religious doctrine and the matter of divinity" on a personal basis.  He was interested in defining "the divine power, quality, supreme virtue, and excellence" which drove his life.  He was determined to push his position into writing, test its recognition, and sharpen its potential - while he actualized his existence, relatedness, and growth needs (note 8) along the way. First, definitions were in order.

THEOLOGY: noun: 1 the study of God and the relations between God and the universe; studies of religious doctrines and matters of divinity. 2a specific form or system of this study, as expounded by a particular religion or denomination. Systematic theology -- a constructive method of theology that aims at a complete, philosophic, and systematic statement of the entire sum of theological knowledge.

DIVINITY: noun: 1 the quality or condition of being divine, 2a divine being; a god; deity, 3a divine power or quality; supreme virtue or excellence, 4 the study of religion; theology.

Individuals, at various times, can be seen as either spirited or dispirited - their courage and other's encouragement being key for spiritual growth.  He sought and thus found that courage and encouragement in the community of his church.  The Bible appeared to be the common ground for building a Replacement Theology, and for the development of a set of Spirit Commandments.

dispirit: verb: 1 to lower the spirits of; to deprive of courage; to discourage; to dishearten; to deject; to cast down.

divine: noun: 1 a man skilled in divinity; a theologian, 2a clergyman. verb: 1 to prophesy; to foretell; to presage, 2 to surmise; to know by intuition, 3 to guess or conjecture. synonym: foretell, guess, presage, conjecture, predict, prognosticate, augur.

DIVINELY - adv.1. in a divine or godlike manner; in a manner resembling deity, 2. by the agency or influence of God; as, a prophet divinely inspired, 3. excellently; in the supreme degree.

DEITY - n.1. the state of being a god; divine nature; godhood....

Entrance and movement through the Bible used a concordance.  The words spirit, spirits, spiritual, and spiritually provided over 700 occurrences for paraphrasing. The following tables list the references and each paraphrase for the reader’s validation.  Many verses contained several occurrences, thus the number of verses are less than 700 as indicated by the totals in the tables below.


BEGIN Illustration Eight

Original spirit categories, frequency, and source


In summary, the original research in 1994 provided twelve statements about the human spirit.

Table R.1 – Original spirit categories, frequency, and source.  

Humans know the joys of traveling and movement.                      25      R.4

The essence of human life is spirit.                                                 53      R.5

The spirit resides in all levels of human condition.                         61      R.6

The spirit of God is meant to be within each individual.               63      R.7

The human spirit grows from past and present generations.          35      R.8

The spirit is meant to represent individualism -- choice.               42       R.9

Mend a broken spirit first, then the individual can listen.            102      R.10

From an internalized spirit comes favorable attributes.                 85      R.11

Another's spirit may not look after your spirit.                               56      R.12

Spirited individuals have wholistic vision for their future.              45      R.13

Spirited people are open, work hard, talk, and write.                     42      R.14

Spirited individuals are restless.                                                       30      R.15

Total biblical references in support of category statements           639

Source - Table R.3.

The above order presents the sequence of how a new category came to be when the next paraphrase didn't seem to fit the previous categories.

Table R.3 represents the initial paraphrases, arranged as they were taken from the concordance, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation.  Roughly speaking, Table R.3 represents a chronological view of wisdom about the spirit.  Yet, a more functional view of Table R.3 was wanted.

Taking each paraphrase, beginning with Gen. 1.2, categories were created and the references were grouped accordingly.  Table R.4 began with Gen. 1.2 and was later titled “Humans know the joys of traveling and movement”, then eventually with the verb-descriptor-noun phrase of “Experience adventure joy”.  The next paraphrase, Gen. 6.3, did not fit with Gen. 1.2, thus a new Table R.5 was begun, later titled “The essence of human life is spirit”, and then “Recognize life essence”. The analysis continued. Other references were added from expanded concordances shown in the “Source:” of Table R.3.

END Illustration Eight

Gen. 41.8  began Table R.6.

Gen. 41.38 began Table R.7.

Gen. 45.27 began Table R.8.

Gen. 49.6  began Table R.9.

Ex   6.9  began Table R.10.

Ex  31.3  joined Table R.7 and began Table R.11.

Ex  35.21 joined the Table R.4 grouping.

Ex  35.31 joined Tables R.7 and R.11.

Judg 9.23 began Table R.12.

Num 11.25 began Table R.13.

Num 24.2  began Table R.14.

1Sa 16.14 began Table R.15.

All the other occurrences joined the twelve previously established tables.  Thus the grouped references for the twelve spirit commandments were created. Some references supported two or more categories. For example, Acts 19.6 appears in both Tables R.13 and R.14. The paraphrase, “their spirit spoke in tongues and prophesied” fits with both “Spirited individuals have wholistic vision for their future”, and “Spirited people are open, work hard, talk, and write”.

The sentence representing each category evolved to encompass more references, yet maintained its distinctiveness - each with a separate message for living life.  Twelve spirit principles resulted.  In the author's mind, these principles had the potential of replacing the Ten Commandment religious model.  A set of Spirit Commandments in the form of principles made sense for living a generic personally truthful religious life.

Table R.2 – Spirit principles in commandment order with frequency and source

Original statements and placements

The essence of human life is spirit.                                              53      R.5

The spirit resides in all levels of human condition.                     61      R.6

The spirit of God is meant to be within each individual.            63      R.7

Spirited individuals are restless.                                                   30      R.15

Humans know the joys of traveling and movement.                    25      R.4

Another's spirit may not look after your spirit.                             56      R.12

Mend a broken spirit first then the individual can listen.            102    R.10

From an internalized spirit comes favorable attributes.                85      R.11

The human spirit grows from past and present generations.        35      R.8

The spirit is meant to represent individualism - choice.                42      R.9

Spirited people are open, work hard, talk, and write.                    42      R.14

Spirited individuals have wholistic vision for their future.              45      R.13   

Total bible references without duplication                                    639

Verb-Descriptor-Noun version (hierarchical functional organization)

verb-descriptor-noun need group frequency  source table

recognize life essence                        Existence                      63      R.5

recognize learning ability                   Existence                      64      R.6

recognize god's residence                   Existence                      68      R.7

lead unconstrained spirit                    Existence                      38      R.15

experience adventure joy                    Existence                      25      R.4

scrutinize other's motives                          Relatedness             59      R.12

set mending priority                          Relatedness                   104    R.10

recognize favorable attributes            Relatedness                   103    R.11

recognize growth basis                       Relatedness                    38      R.8

present spirited choices                     Relatedness                      51      R.9

effectuate work character                 Relatedness                       64      R.14

envision whole future                         Growth                           60      R.13

References in support of one or more category statements                  737

Source - Table R.1 and the basic human needs of Existence, Relatedness, and Growth - helping to order the hierarchical ascendance of the spirit commandments.


The paraphrase and categorization are highly personalized, reflecting how one individual sees their world and how one takes various concepts to enhance their way in life.  Interested parties may want to retrace this exercise to provide a bible-referenced spirit-of-God focus for their lives.


Other uses for the reader.  Order or prioritize the commandments for your use.  Check the list against another concordance.  See the completeness of a particular commentary on the spirit by seeing how many additional spirit-references exist.  For example, Table R.16 shows a book on the spirit referencing only 20% of the Bible wisdom of human spirit.  Read the references in any order, changing the paraphrase to your own written word.  Review of your paraphrases can be seen as prayer.  Write a commentary book  about the categories and their composition, specifically aimed at functionality in today’s world.  Come up with a new set of spirit commandments to assist in rising from your spirit low, and traveling the winding path to your next ridge or wave crest of life.  Integrate the spirit with scientific psychology.  Use the spirit commandments and scientific statistical significance to test self-help pop-psychology literature.  Compare the essence of the spirit commandments with possible dis-spiriting policies of many organizations and individuals.

Reference tables

References in the following Tables R.3 through R.15 appear in Bible-presentation order. Because of table lengths, they appear at the last pages of this work.

Table R.3 – The root-word spirit in the bible with reference, notation, and paraphrase

Gen. 1.2                 the spirit (wind) of God was moving

Gen. 3.8-10    p                 Adam's inner voice as the Lord God

Gen. 5.24      p                 Enoch walked with God; God took him

Gen. 6.3                 My life-giving spirit

Gen. 17.1.3     p                 God with Abram - walk before me, be perfect

Gen. 26.24    p                 fear not Jacob, I am with thee

Gen. 41.8                Pharaoh's spirit

Gen. 41.38                       having the spirit of a god (of God) in him

Gen. 45.27             the spirit of their father Jacob revived

Gen. 49.6      n                 my spirit (glory, heart) shall not join

Ex 3.4         p                 to Moses - here am I

Ex 6.9                           not listening because of their broken spirit

Ex 28.3       n-      [etc. through the remaining paraphrases categorized among 12 tables (Tables R.4 through R.15).]

Source: J.Strong (1890) The exhaustive concordance of the bible.  Nashville TN: Abingdon.  Showing every word of the text of the common english version of the canonical books, and every occurrence of each word in regular order; together with a key-word comparison (1980) of selected words and phrases in the King James version.

Notation “a”:  J.Strong (1984)....added to the list.

Notation “n” and “n-“:  J.W.Ellison,ed (1972) Nelson's complete concordance of the revised standard version bible - 2nd ed. New York. Nelson. "n" added to list. "n-" did not appear in Nelson's concordance but appeared in Strong’s concordance.

Notation “p”:  T.E.Powers (1979) Invitation to a great experiment:  Exploring the possibility that god can be known.  New York: Doubleday.  First edition 1959. Bibliography of 286 items p.171-85, p.205-8 lists 17 references, 3 of which link with the 649 occurrences of the root spirit in the Bible, thus adding 14 more references for a total of 663 spirit commandment references.  Notation “s”:  spirits. Notation “u”:  spiritual. Notation “y”:  spiritually.

Bibles used: Nelson (1953) The holy bible - revised standard version.  New York: Nelson.  Translated from the original tongues being the version set forth 1611 revised 1881-5 and 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised 1952.  Available at public library.

Oxford & Cambridge (1970) The new English bible with the apocrypha.  New York: Oxford and Cambridge Universities. First edition 1961.  Available at public library.

Table R.4 – Experience adventure joy (25 references)

Gen. 1.2        the spirit (wind) of God was moving

Ex 35.21      they came, everyone whose spirit moved him

2Sa 13.39     the spirit of the king longed to go forth (heart went out to him)

1Kin 18.12     spirit of the Lord will carry you away, who knows where?

2Kin 2.16      spirit of Lord lifted him and cast him (as in travel to the mountains or valley)


1Chr 5.26     God of Israel spirited kings and their tribes to move

Eze 1.12       where the spirit (wind) would go, they went

Eze 1.20       where the spirit (wind) would go, they went

Eze 1.21       the spirit was in the traveling (wheels)

Eze 3.14       spirit lifted me, took me away

Mt 4.1         spirit led Jesus into the wilderness

Mk 1.12        spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness

Lk 4.1          see Mt 4.1

Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]


Acts 1.8       go make spirited disciples of all nations

Acts 11.12    spirit promotes movement without hesitation

Acts 13.4     spirit moves by many modes of transportation

Acts 19.21    spirit resolves travel direction

Acts 23.25   travel in the spirit of safety

Rom 8.4        traveling led by spirit not flesh

Eph 1.3        every spiritual blessing in heavenly places

Phil 1.19       spirit delivers

Rev 17.3       spirit carried me into wilderness

Rev 21.10      spirit carried me to a great high mountain

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - Humans know the joys of traveling and movement.

Table R.5 – Recognize life essence (63 references)

Gen. 6.3        My life-giving spirit

Gen. 17.1,3     God with Abram - walk before me, be perfect

Ex 33.17      requests granted to Moses as familiar friend


1Sam 3.10     Lord came, stood, called - Samuel heard

Job 10.12     grant life, love steadfast, and care preserves my spirit

Job 32.8      "but it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand"

Job 33.4      the spirit of man is his life

Ps 63.1-2      David seeks early, soul thirsts, flesh longs

Ps 104.30     Thy spirit renews life

Ps 139.7       one cannot escape from the inner spirit

Prov 16.32    rule your spirit rather than taking a city

Prov 17.22    a downcast spirit dries up the bones

Eccl 2.17      hated life for all is troublesome emptiness


Eccl 8.8       cannot retain the spirit over death

Eccl12.7       with death spirit (breath) returns to God

Isa 29.4      without spirit your voice is like a ghost

Isa 31.3       horses are flesh not spirit

Isa 40.7      spirit of the Lord endures forever

Isa 42.5      the spirit walks on the earth

Isa 57.16     from me [Lord] proceeds spirit life breath

Eze 3.12       a spirit (wind) lifted me up

Eze 10.17     spirit belongs in living [human] creatures

Eze 11.19      new spirit changes stone heart to flesh


Eze 37.1       Lord came to put life into dry bones

Eze 37.14     my spirit (breath) puts life into you

Mt 3.11        baptizing with the Holy Spirit

Mt 17.1-2     Jesus' face shown as the sun

Mt 27.50     Jesus died and yielded his spirit

Mk 1.8         see Mt 3.11

Lk 3.16        see Mt 3.11 baptism by the Holy Spirit and with fire

Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 23.46      see Mt 27.50

Lk 24.39      but a spirit has not flesh which they felt


Jn 4.24        "God is spirit"

Jn 6.63        "spirit gives life"

Jn 19.30      see Mt 27.50

Acts 1.5       see Lk 3.16

Acts 6.5      full of faith = of the Holy Spirit

Acts 7.55     spirit filled = understanding Jesus' place

Acts 8.19     the spirit is not available for money

Acts 10.47   spirit important and ritual follows second

Acts 11.16    see Lk 3.16

Rom 8.2        spirited life law frees from sin & death law


Rom 8.9        you are of spirit if you live with spirit Jesus had spirit

1Cor15.45     living being grows into life-giving spirit

2Cor 1.22     sealed upon us the spirit in our hearts

Gal  3. 3      lucky to begin with spirit

Gal  6. 8      sow to the spirit

Eph  1.13      sealed with the spirit

Eph  2.22     grow a temple for the spirit

Eph  4. 4      body and spirit in oneness

Eph  4.30     humans sealed for the spirit

Eph  6.18      persevere in the spirit


Phil 3.3        true circumcision in spirit

2Th 2.13      human sanctificication destined from creation

Heb 10.29     do not spurn the spirit

Jas 2.26      dead is body apart from spirit dead is faith apart from works

Jas 4.5        yearn jealously for the spirit within us

1Pet 4.6       preached to the dead so they might live

Rev 2.7        conquering spirit eats from the tree of life - which is in the paradise of God

Rev 2.11       conquering to be unaffected by second death

Rev 4.2        with spirit I was seated on throne in heaven

Rev 4.5        emanating light and sound

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - The essence of human life is spirit.

Table R.6 – Recognize learning ability (64 references)

Gen. 26.24    fear not Jacob, I am with thee

Gen. 41.8       Pharaoh's spirit

1Sa 19.20     spirit of God came upon the messengers and they also prophesied

2Sa 13.39     the spirit of the king longed to go forth (heart went out to him)


1Chr 5.26     God of Israel spirited kings and their tribes to move

1Chr 12.18    spirit took possession of the chief

2Chr 15.1      spirit of God came upon the son

2Chr 20.14   spirit of the Lord came upon the sons

2Chr 24.20   spirit of God possessed he who judged sins

Neh 9.20      gave good spirit to instruct them

Job 21.4       "may not I too voice my thoughts"

Ps 76.12       even a spirited prince can be cut off

Ps 104.4       the winds (spirits) thy messengers

Prov 16.19    better a low (humble) spirit with the poor (those in need)


Prov 29.23   low (see 16.19) spirited obtain honor

Isa 34.16     spirit gathers them mate-to-mate

Isa 59.19     life like shining river with hovering spirit

Eze 11.5       spirit came to see others' thoughts

Eze 11.24     spirit lifted me to see spirit coming to those in exile

Joe 2.29      prophesy of seeing visions even for servants

Hag 1.14       many spirits worked on the house of the Lord

Hag 2.5        spirit abides among you - fear not

Mt 1.18        Jesus conceived of the Holy Spirit

Mt 28.19      go make spirited disciples of all nations


Mk 7.25       unclean spirit in daughter

Mk 9.17        son had a dumb spirit

Lk 1.15         Holy Spirit filled even in the womb

Lk 1.35        see Mt 1.18

Lk 1.41         pregnant women fill with the Holy Spirit

Lk 1.67        spirit filled father and he prophesied

Lk 1.80        child grew and became strong in spirit

Lk 2.25        spirit goes to those seeking consolation

Lk 2.27        Jesus in the spirit

Lk 2.40        see 1.80


Lk 9.39        see Mk 9.17

Lk 9.42        see Mk 9.17

Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 10.21       babes reveal things that hide from the wise and understanding

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Jn 1.33        whoever you see to have the Spirit he can baptize with the Holy Spirit

Jn 3.5         birth of Spirit = entrance to kingdom of God

Jn 3.6         spirit gives birth to spirit

Jn 3.34        God sends those who speak the word of God

Acts 1.2       spirit transferred (taught) to the apostles


Acts 2.17     even last days will vision, dream, prophesy both sons and daughters

Acts 2.18     menservants and maidservants

Acts 2.33     Father [authority] pours out spirit

Acts 4.8      full-spirit speaks to rulers and elders

Acts 5.9      wife complicit in husband's holding back

Acts10.44    people accepted the spirited word

Acts10.45    even the Gen.tiles believed

Acts11.15     the receiver of spirit can pass it along

Acts11.24     large companies can be converted

Rom 8.14      we buy into spirited living like sons


Rom 8.16      witnessing of spirit "children of God"

1Cor 3.1       spiritual man an adult different from child

1Cor 7.34     females are also anxious about their spirit

1Cor12.11      same spirit apportionment

1Cor12.13     one spirit gives drink to Jew, Greek, slave, free

Eph 2.18       we both have access to spirit

1Pet 3.18      Jesus made alive in the spirit

1Pet 3.19      preached even to spirits of prisoners

Rev 1.4         seven Asian churches addressed as 7 spirits

Rev 19.10      leaders are fellow servants, worship spirit

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - The spirit resides in all levels of human condition.

Table R.7 – Recognize god's residence (68 references)

Gen. 3.8-10    Adam's inner voice as the Lord God

Gen. 5.24      Enoch walked with God; God took him

Gen. 41.38     having the spirit of a god (of God) in him

Ex 3. 4        to Moses - here am I

Ex 31. 3       I [Lord] have filled him with divine spirit, making him skillful and ingenious

Ex 35.31      He filled him with the spirit of God, with ability, with intelligence, with knowledge

Lev 19.31      do not resort to [external] ghosts & spirits

Lev 20. 6     I [Lord] will set against who resorts to ghosts and spirits (mediums, wizards), I will cut that person off from his people


Lev 20.27     a medium or a wizard shall be put to death

Num 5.14      spirit (fit) of jealously

Num 5.30     spirit (fit) of jealously

Num 16.22    O God, God of the spirits of all mankind (flesh)

Num 27.18    a man endowed with (in whom is the) spirit

Deut 18.11    let no one cast spells or traffic with ghosts and spirits (soothsayer, augur, sorcerer, charmer, medium, wizard, necromancer)

Deut 34. 9   full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him

1Sa 16.13      spirit of the Lord came mightily and was with him

1Sa 28. 3     banished all who trafficked ghost and spirits (mediums and wizards)

1Sa 28. 8     tell my fortunes by consulting the dead (divine for me by a spirit)


1Sa 28. 9     Saul has cut off the mediums and wizards

2Sa 23. 2     spirit of Lord has spoken through me

1Kin 22.24    how did the spirit of the Lord speak to you?

2Kin 2. 9      let me inherit a double share of your spirit

2Kin 19. 7     I [Lord] will put a spirit in him [for action]

2Kin 23.24   put away mediums, wizards, idols

1Chr 10.13    unfaithfulness sought medium guidance

2Chr 33. 6    burned sons, soothed, augured, sorcered, mediumed, wizarded, thus angering the Lord

Ezr 1. 5       spirit God stirred houses to rebuild house of the Lord

Job 4.15       spirit (wind) glided past and hairs bristled


Job 20. 3     spirit grows out of understanding

Job 21. 4      "may not I too voice my thoughts"

Job 27. 3     spirit of God (God's breath) in my nostrils

Ps 31. 5        into Thy keeping I commit my spirit

Ps 139. 7      one cannot escape from the inner spirit

Prov16. 2      plans of the mind belong to man (16.1) man's ways are pure in his own eyes but the Lord fixes a standard

Prov20.27    spirit of man as Lord's lamp searches all his innermost parts

Isa 19. 3      perhaps turning to ghosts and [evil] spirits

Isa 37. 7     I [Lord] will put a spirit in him [for action]

Isa 42. 5     the spirit walks on the earth


Eze 2. 2       when spoken to the spirit entered me

Eze 36.27    I [Lord] will put my spirit into you

Dan 4. 8       spirit of God in you

Zec 12. 1      Lord formed the spirit of man within him

Mt 3.16        Jesus saw the Spirit of God after baptism

Mt 10.20      spirit speaking through you

Mt 12.18      putting my spirit upon him

Mt 12.28      kingdom of God's spirit has come upon you

Mk 1.10        see Mt 3.16

Lk 3.22        see Mt 3.16


Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Jn 1.32        see Mt 3.16

Jn 3. 5        birth of Spirit = entrance to kingdom of God

Acts 1.33     see Mt 3.16

Acts15. 8     feelings can bring on the spirit

Acts17.24    "God...does not live in shrines made by man."

Acts19. 2     the spirit for within them was a new idea

Acts20.28    spirit guardians feed (support) the church

Acts 22.6-8  there came a great enlightening around Paul

1Cor 2.14      folly are gifts not yet spiritually discerned


1Cor 3.16      God's temple is where your spirit dwells

1Cor 6.17      God and man becomes one spirit

1Cor 6.19      body is the temple of the spirit

1Cor 14. 2     tongues speaks to God, not to men

1Cor 15.44    physical body and spiritual body go together

2Cor 3. 3     spirit writes on human hearts

Eph 4.23      "renewed in the spirit of your minds"

Heb 9. 8       spirit direct access to God spirit within

1Jn 3.24      spirit in us

1Jn 5. 6       life not only of water but also of inner blood

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - The spirit is meant to be within each individual.

Table R.8 – Recognize growth basis (38 references)

Gen. 45.27    the spirit of their father Jacob revived

Num 11.17     I [Lord] will take some of the spirit that is upon you and put it upon them

Num 11.25    took some spirit and put it upon 70 elders

Num 14.24    he has a different spirit, he followed Me with his whole heart, his descendants shall possess it

Deut 34. 9   full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him

Judg 11.29    the spirit of the Lord came and passed from one to another

1Sa 28. 7     find a familiar spirit (medium) there is a medium at Endor

2Kin 2. 9      let me inherit a double share of your spirit


2Kin 2.15      spirit of Elijah settled (rests) on Elisha

2Kin 5.26     was I [Elisha] not with you in spirit

2Chr 18.23   how does the spirit pass from one to another

Prov 1.23      fools despise wisdom and instruction (1.7) I (Solomon) pour my thoughts (spirit) to you

Prov25.13     refresh the spirit of the masters

Isa 6. 8       Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord to send me

Isa 42. 5     the spirit walks on the earth

Isa 59.21     my [Lord] spirit shall never fail generation

Eze 2. 2       when spoken to the spirit entered me

Eze 11. 5      spirit came to see others' thoughts


Hag 2. 5       spirit abides among you - fear not

Zec 7.12      Lord's spirit sent through the prophets

Mt 22.43     David's spirit calls him Lord

Mk 12.36      see Mt 22.43 inspired by himself in the Holy Spirit

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Jn  1.33       whoever you see to have the Spirit he can baptize with the Holy Spirit

Jn  3. 6       spirit gives birth to spirit

Jn 20.22      Jesus exemplifies transfer of the spirit

1Cor 5. 3      absent in body does not mean absent in spirit

1Cor 5. 4      when assembled spirit can be present


1Cor 15.3-8   Jesus seen as one born out of due time

Gal 4. 6       spirit comes to our heart

Eph 3. 5       spirit more definitive in this generation

Eph 6.17       take the spirit

Heb 9.14      purify your conscience from dead works

Heb 12.23     spirits of just men made perfect

1Pet 1.11       spirit of prophecy confirmed

1Pet 1.12      to serve your spirit

1Jn 4.13       Jesus spirit is passed down to us

Rev 2.17       conquering receive hiddens to pass on line

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - The human spirit grows from past and present generations.

Table R.9 – Present spirited choices (51 references)

Gen. 49. 6     my spirit (glory, heart) shall not join


Ex 28. 3      wise-hearted filled with spirit of wisdom

1Sa 10. 6      spirit of the Lord will come mightily (suddenly), you shall prophesy with them and become another man

Job 21. 4      "may not I too voice my thoughts"

Job 26. 4     "whose spirit is expressed in your speech"

Prov 11.13     gossip gives secrets but a trusty in spirit man keeps own counsel

Prov 25.28   no self-control like a city with no walls

Eccl 4. 4      achievement from rivalry provides emptiness

Isa 8.19       why consult dead spirits on behalf of living

Isa 29. 4     without spirit your voice is like a ghost

Eze 43. 5     spirit turned me inward for glory filling


Zec 6. 5       spirit available to the 4 winds of the earth

Zec 6. 8       those north rested my spirit in the north

Zec 13. 2     prophets & unclean spirits will be removed

Mal 2.15       flesh and spirit are together

Lk 9.55        Jesus left unclean spirits be

Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Jn 3. 5        birth of Spirit = entrance to kingdom of God

Jn 3. 6        spirit gives birth to spirit

Acts 2. 4     spirit fills people


Acts 5.32     Holy Spirit given = obedience to God's word

Acts 13.52   spirit and joy are compatible

Acts 17.16    idols provoked spirit as a foreign divinity

Acts 20.22   spirit goes into unknown

Acts 20.23   and defends me there

Acts 21.11    spirit sacrifices life for principles

Acts 23. 8    some acknowledge spirit and some don't

Acts 23. 9    some accept and do not choose to believe

Rom 1. 9       serving with my spirit [renewed by....]

Rom 7. 6       serve not written code but life of the spirit


Rom 8.11       spirit gave Jesus life spirit enlivens you

Rom 8.27      mind of the spirit provides intercession

Rom 14. 7     none lives to self, none dies to self

Rom 15.16     ministers need spirit

1Cor 2.13      spirit imparted by words interpreting spiritual truths to those spirited

1Cor 2.15      spirit judges things yet judged by no one

1Cor 5. 5      some evil stays to be saved another day

1Cor 14. 1     aim love, desire spiritual gifts, prophesy

1Cor 16.18    recognize those who refresh the spirit

2Cor 4.13     faith spirit believes and thus speaks


Gal 3. 2       spirit not by works of law, hearing with faith

Gal 3. 5       do works of the law make miracles?

Gal 5. 5       spirit by faith waits for the hope of righteousness

Gal 5.17       flesh different than spirit flesh desires can be against the flesh

Gal 5.18       spirit not under the law

Gal 5.25       live spirit, walk by spirit

Eph 3.16       strengthened with might through inner spirit

1Ti 4.12       no one despise your youth (spirit)

Heb 9.14      purify your conscience from dead works

Heb 12.23     spirits of just men made perfect line

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - Joyful spirit is meant to represent individualism - choice.


Tables R.9 through R.15 [50megs web site still there]


 Spirit commandments: Reference tables R.10 - R.16” by DocHarvOtto@juno.com Atchison KS and Leawood KS (1994-1995)

Updated 05-07-2004

Table R.10 – Set mending priority (104 references)

Ex 6.9         not listening because of their broken spirit

Josh 5.1       kings courage melted away and there was no more spirit left in them for fear

Judg 15.19    his spirit (strength) returned and he revived

1Sa 16.16      hearing harp suggested for recovery from evil spirit


1Sa 16.23     hearing harp provides for recovery from evil spirit

1Sa 30.12     when eating after 3 days his spirit revived

1Kin 10.5      after long days the spirit wanes

2Chr 9.4      after long days the spirit wanes

Job 10.12     grant life, love steadfast, and care preserves my spirit

Job 17.7       grief kills the spirit

Ps 34.18       the Lord can save the crushed spirit

Ps 51.10       maintain a steadfast spirit

Ps 51.11        keep Thy holy spirit

Ps 51.17       my sacrifice is a broken spirit, a wounded heart


Ps 77.3        "I meditate, and my spirit faints"

Ps 106.33     rash words come from a bitter spirit

Ps 143.4       physical difficulty erodes spirit

Ps 143.7       Thy face keeps spirit from the abyss

Prov 1.23      fools despise wisdom and instruction (1.7) I (Solomon) pour my thoughts (spirit) to you

Prov 14.29    a spirit slow to anger shows understanding

Prov 15.13    sorrow of heart crushes the spirit

Prov 16.18    haughty spirit (arrogance) go before a fall

Prov 18.14    spirit endures sickness but who can mend a wounded spirit

Eccl 10.4      submission makes amends for great mistakes


Isa 29.10     spirit of deep stupor muffles the head

Isa 29.24     spirit of understanding awaits those who err

Isa 54.6      the Lord calls forsaken, grieved in spirit

Isa 57.15     I [Lord] dwell with contrite humble spirit reviving spirit, contrite heart

Isa 63.11      and fighting was disheartening

Isa 63.14     and the spirit gave them rest

Isa 65.14     you shall wail for anguish of spirit

Isa 66.2      look to a humble and contrite spirit

Eze 2.2        when spoken to the spirit entered me

Eze 21.7       groan because spirit will sometimes faint


Eze 36.26    I [Lord] will give you a new spirit

Eze 43.5      spirit turned me inward for glory filling

Dan 2.1        sleep leaves a troubled spirit

Dan 5.20      proud spirit takes glory and deposes itself

Dan 7.15      an anxious spirit alarms the head

Hos 4.12      spirit of harlotry became their god

Hos 5.4        spirit of harlotry made the Lord unknown

Hos 9.7        mad spirit from iniquity and hatred

Mic 2.11       does strong drink spirit preach for people

Zec 12.10     pour out spirit of compassion & supplication


Mal 2.15       sustain the spirit of life

Mal 2.16       keep watch of the spirit

Mt 10.1        disciples' authority over unclean spirits

Mt 14.26      disciples feared water walking as spirit

Mt 26.41      spirit willing but watch for weak flesh

Mk 1.26        unclean spirit came out of him

Mk 5.13        some unclean spirits disappear

Mk 6.7         see Mt 10.1

Mk 6.49       see Mt 14.26

Mk 8.12        spirit can sigh deeply [& be reconciled]


Mk 14.38      see Mt 26.41

Lk 4.14        Jesus returned in the power of the spirit

Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Lk 24.37      disciples feared resurrection as spirit

Jn 3.6         spirit gives birth to spirit

Jn 7.39        Jesus' spirit will come when Jesus is glorified [accepted] [Jesus does not have monopoly on spirit]

Jn 11.33       spirit moves in empathy

Acts 2.38     cast off sinner non-spirit

Acts 5.16     healed of unclean spirit afflictions


Acts 6.10     wisdom (spirit) not withstandable

Acts 8.7      unclean spirits can come out

Acts 10.38   spirit heals oppression

Acts 16.16    punishment for conflict

Acts 19.12    the spirit replaced evil spirits

Acts 19.13    many

Acts 19.15    fighting evil spirits

Acts 19.16    are overpowered

Rom 1.11       imparting spiritual gift for strengthening

Rom 2.29      covet malice envy murder strife deceit malign gossip slander insolent haughty boast foolish


Rom 7.14      law is spiritual, but compulsions are carnal

Rom 8.1        conclude no condemnation living in the spirit

Rom 8.6        flesh mindset = death spirit mindset = life and peace

Rom 8.10      body may be sin dead, spirit in righteousness

Rom 8.15      not spirit of slavery of fear but spirit of sonship

Rom 8.23      spirit groans awaiting adoption

Rom 11.8       hardened spirit neither sees nor hears

1Cor 2.4       spirit sometimes weak fearful trembling implausible but still demonstrative

1Cor 2.14      unmoved do not receive spirited gifts

1Cor 10.3      spiritual food


1Cor 10.4      spiritual drink spiritual Jesus

1Cor 14.32    prophecy 1 by 1 to learn and encourage others

1Cor 15.46    first physical than spiritual

2Cor 3.6      written code kills but spirit gives life

2Cor 7.1       cleanse defilement of body and spirit

Gal 5.20       works of flesh - immorality, impurity, enmity licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, carousing

Gal 6.1         restore overtaken spiritually in spirit of gentleness

Eph 2.2        spirit can be worked against disobedience

Eph 5.18       be filled with the spirit not through drink

Col 1.8         love in spirit made know and recognized


Col 3.16       teach and admonish wisely in spiritual song

1Th 1.6         word can come with much affliction

Heb 6.4        chase not those fallen away in spirit

Jude 19        divided worldly spirits are devoid

Rev 1.10       unfear future suffering to attain life crown

Rev 2.7        conquering spirit eats from the tree of life that is in the paradise of God

Rev 2.11       conquering to be unaffected by second death

Rev 11.8       unspirited will lie in the streets unattended

Rev 11.11       but the breath of life entered them

Rev 22.17     "Let him who hears say, Come" let desirer take the life water without price

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - Mend a broken spirit first then the individual can listen.

Table R.11 – Recognize favorable attributes (103 references)

Ex 31.3        I [Lord] filled him with divine spirit, making him skillful and ingenious

Ex 35.31      He filled him with the spirit of God, with ability, intelligence, knowledge

Num 11.26    the spirit alighted on them nonetheless, and they fell into an ecstasy


Deut 2.30    the Lord your God hardened his spirit and made his heart stubborn and obstinate, that he and his land become subject to you [king Sihon]

Deut 34.9    full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him

Judg 3.10     the spirit of God came upon him, and he became judge

1Sa 16.15      servants called attention to the evil spirit

1Sa 19.23     spirit of God came, he prophesied, stripped off his clothes, raptured and lay naked all that day and night

1Chr 28.12    "the plan of all [temple design] that he had in mind"

2Chr 18.20   the enticing spirit stood before the Lord

Job 26.13     by his wind the heavens were made fair

Ps 32.2        happy is a man without deceitful spirit

Prov 17.27    understanding brings a cool spirit (head)


Eccl 2.26     wisdom knowledge joy to man pleasing God

Isa 11.2       spirit of the Lord spirit of wisdom and understanding spirit of counsel and power spirit of knowledge

Isa 28.6      spirit of justice for judging

Isa 42.1       spirit brings forth justice

Isa 44.3      I [Lord] pour my spirit to your descendants

Isa 61.1       Lord has anointed me to bring good tidings

Isa 61.3       mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit

Eze 43.5      spirit turned me inward for glory filling

Dan 5.11       spirit has understanding and wisdom

Dan 5.12      spirit has knowledge to explain riddles and solve problems


Dan 5.14      spirit can be enlightening

Dan 6.3        an excellent spirit comes to leadership

Mic 2.7        spirit is upright man's best friend

Mic 3.8        spirit fills with power and justice

Mk 1.27        authority commands unclean spirits

Mk 2.8         spirit can perceive others' questions

Mk 3.11        unclean spirits beheld authority

Mk 5.8         authority commands unclean spirits

Mk 9.20       see 5.8

Mk 9.25       see 5.8


Mk 9.26       see 5.8

Lk 1.47        spirit rejoices

Lk 4.18        see Isa 61.1

Lk 4.36        see Mk 1.27

Lk 6.18        see Mk 3.11

Lk 7.21        see Mk 5.8

Lk 8.2 see Mk 5.8

Lk 8.29        see Mk 5.8

Lk 8.55        see Mk 5.8

Lk 9.55        Jesus left unclean spirits be


Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Lk 13.11        see Mk 5.8

Jn 3.5         birth of Spirit = entrance to kingdom of God

Jn 3.6         spirit gives birth to spirit

Jn 4.23        Father wants worshipers in spirit and truth

Jn 4.24        "those who worship God must worship in spirit and truth"

Jn 6.63        Jesus' words are spirit and life

Jn 11.33       spirit moves in empathy

Jn 15.26      spirit of truth (advocate) will witness Jesus

Acts 7.51     feeling and listening people are with spirit


Acts 7.59     receive my spirit

Acts 8.39     spirit provides rejoicing

Acts 18.5     fervent spirit speaks and teaches accurately

Acts 18.25   fervent spirit speaks and teaches accurately

Rom 1.4        human feats through spirit provide power

Rom 5.5        [work] > endurance > character > hope without disappointment = love in a spirited way

Rom 8.26      hopeful spirit is patient spirit intercedes

Rom 12.11      never let down in zeal, be aglow with spirit

1Cor 2.12      spirit understands the gifts bestowed

1Cor 4.21      rod method or love - a spirit of gentleness


1Cor 6.11      justified in spirit washes and sanctifies

1Cor 6.20     glory in the spirit

1Cor 9.11      sow spiritual good can reap material benefit

1Cor 12.3      no one speaking from spirit curses

1Cor 12.4      the same spirits have a variety of gifts

1Cor 12.7      spirit manifests for the common good

1Cor 12.9      gives another faith another healing ability

1Cor 12.10    miracles, prophesy, distinguishment, tongues interpretation of tongues

1Cor 14.12    eager for spirit manifestations build church of spirits

1Cor 14.14    in tongues spirit prays but mind unfruitful


1Cor 14.37    if spiritual do things decently and in order

1Cor 14.15    pray with spirit and mind sing with spirit and mind

2Cor 3.8      recognize the splendor of spirit dispensation

2Cor 3.17     now the lord is spirit with spirit is freedom

2Cor 6.6      commend in endurance, purity, knowledge, forbearance, kindness, spirit, genuine love, truthful speech, righteousness

2Cor 7.13     we are encouraged, delight with minds at rest

2Cor 11.4      the spirit is adaptable

Gal 3.14       extend the spirit to everyone [challenge]

Gal 5.22       spirit fruit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, which no law forbids

Gal 6.18       grace be with your spirit


Eph 1.17       spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowledge

Eph 3.16       strengthened with might through inner spirit

Eph 4.3        maintain unity of spirit bond of peace lowly, meek, patience, forbear love

Eph 5.9        live like in daylight springing goodness

Eph 5.19       addressing on another in melody of the heart

Phil 2.1        participation in spirit with same mind, love, accord

Phil 4.23      wish grace be with your spirit

Col 1.9         fill with spiritual wisdom and understanding

2Th 2.2        not quickly shaken in mind, excited by spirit, word, or writing

1Ti 3.16       vindicated (justified) in the spirit


2Ti 1.7         not spirit of timidity but spirit of power, love, self-control

Tit 3.5        saved not in deeds but merciful virtue by wash of regeneration, renewal

Philem 25     grace be with your spirit

Heb 2.4        spirit witnessed by signs and wonders

1Pet 3.4       imperishable jewel of gentle quiet spirit

1Pet 3.8       spirit unity - sympathy, brethren love, tender heart, humble mind

1Pet 4.14      spirit of glory rest upon you

2Pet 1.21      no prophesy comes by impulse

Rev 1.16-7    countenance shown as white sun to fear not

Rev 5.6        the seven seemed to be a standing slain lamb

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - From an internalized spirit comes favorable attributes.

Table R.12 – Scrutinize other's motives (59 references)

Judg 9.23     God sent an evil spirit, and the men dealt treacherously

1Kin 22.22    to be a lying spirit in the mouth

1Kin 22.23    the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth

2Kin 21.6      burning son, augury (divination), medium, wizard, soothsaying, action angered the Lord

2Chr 18.21    a lying spirit in the mouth of prophets

2Chr 18.22   behold the Lord has put the lying spirits

Neh 9.30      spirit warned them through the prophets

Job 6.4        spirit drinks poison from arrows of Almighty

Job 15.13     spirit sometimes turns against God


Job 26.4      "whose spirit is expressed in your speech"

Ps 78.8        some spirits (hearts) are not God's faithful

Ps 106.33     rash words come from a bitter spirit

Prov 11.13     gossip gives secrets but a trusty in spirit man keeps own counsel

Prov 15.4      a perverse tongue breaks the spirit

Isa 19.3       counsel becomes confused from time to time

Isa 19.14      a spirit that warps their judgment

Isa 63.10     rebelled his holy spirit was his enemy

Jer 51.1       destroyer spirits (wind) will stir up

Eze R.11.1     spirit (wind) lifted me to see troublemakers


Mt 12.31      slander against spirit unforgivable

Mt 12.32      slander against spirit unforgivable

Mt 12.43      unclean spirit seeks a resting place

Mt 12.45      wicked spirit collects others more wicked

Mk 1.23        unclean spirit in synagogue

Mk 3.29       see Mt 12.31

Mk 3.30       see Mt 12.32

Mk 5.2         unclean spirits confront your spirit

Lk 4.33        see Mk 1.23

Lk 9.55        Jesus left unclean spirits be


Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Lk 11.24       see Mt 12.43

Lk 11.26       see Mt 12.45

Lk 12.10       see Mt 12.31,32

1Cor 2.11      thoughts known only by the spirit of that man

1Cor 12.1      spiritual gifts are not the only movers

2Cor 12.18    all for your up building

Gal 4.29       spirit can be persecuted

Eph 6.12       against darkness of the world


1Th 4.8        do not disregard spirit in others

2Th 2.8        the lawless spirit will be revealed

1Ti 4.1         some in spirit depart from faith giving heed to deceitful spirits

2Ti 1.14       guard the truth within you

Heb 1.14       are not all spirits serving

1Pet 2.5       build stone spiritual house offer spiritual work

1Jn 4.1         test spirits to disclose false prophets thus knowing the spirit of God

1Jn 4.2        spirits acknowledge Jesus was flesh some do not confess Jesus as God

1Jn 4.3        contrary is antichrist

1Jn 4.6        spirit of truth listens otherwise is spirit of error


Acts 16.7     sometimes spirit does not support attempts

1Th 5.19       "do not quench the spirit"

Heb 3.7        hear spirit not harden your heart

Rev 2.29      let listeners hear

Rev 3.6        let listeners hear

Rev 3.13       let listeners hear

Rev 3.22      let listeners hear

Rev 16.13      foul spirits will be there

Rev 16.14      impressive spirits

Rev 18.2       Babylon had many foul spirits line

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - Another's spirit may not look after your spirit.

Table R.13 – Envision whole future (60 references)

Num 11.25    when the spirit rested the elders prophesied

Num 11.29    would that all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would put his spirit upon them

Num 14.24    he has a different spirit, he followed Me with his whole heart, his descendants shall possess it

Num 27.16    let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all (mankind) flesh, appoint a man over the congregation (community)

Judg 6.34     the spirit of the Lord took possession of Gideon and the Abiezrites were called out to follow him

Ps 143.10      let Thy good spirit lead my level path

Eccl 4.6       better 1 of quietness than 2 hands of toil

Eccl 7.8       better the end than its beginning and better patient spirit than proud spirit

Isa 30.1       make plans in league with the correct spirit

Eze 13.3       foolish prophet spirit who sees no vision


Eze 43.5      spirit turned me inward for glory filling

Dan 2.3        spirit troubles to know the dream

Dan 4.9        spirit in you solves difficult mysteries

Dan 4.18      spirit able to interpret dreams

Dan 7.13      Daniel saw in night visions

Joe 2.28      spirit brings prophesy of seeing visions

Mt 5.3         blest those knowing their need of God

Mt 8.16        Jesus cast out demon spirits

Lk 2.26        hopes are revealed to those of the spirit

Lk 9.55        Jesus left unclean spirits be


Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Jn 14.17       forever counselor = spirit dwelling in you

Jn 15.26      see Mk 13.11 counselor will teach all things

Jn 16.13       spirit guides to all truth, declaring future

Acts 1.16      Holy Spirit comes through the prophesy mouth

Acts 4.8      full-spirit speaks to rulers and elders

Acts 6.3      wisdom comes of fullness with the spirit

Acts 9.31     comfort in the spirit brings prosperity

Acts 10.19    vision pondering matches with availability


Acts 11.28    spirit can foretell difficulties

Acts 13.2     decisions occur while worshiping and fasting

Acts 15.28   be burdened with only necessary things

Acts 16.6     spirit did not take apostles into Asia

Acts 16.18    with Roman divination

Acts 19.6     their spirit spoke in tongues and prophesied

Acts 21.4     spirit moved them to stay

Acts 21.11    spirit sacrifices life for principles

Rom 1.9        serving with my spirit [renewed by....]

Rom 8.5        spirited livers set minds on spirited things


Rom 8.13      spirit deeds will live

Rom 15.13     may hope and believing fill you joy and peace

1Cor 2.10      spirit reveals to us by searching everything

1Cor 2.12      spirit understands the gifts bestowed

1Cor 12.3      the spirit sees Jesus as a way of life

1Cor 12.8      same spirit utters wisdom from one knowledge from another

2Cor 13.14    Jesus' grace, God's love, spirit fellowship

Gal 5.16       walk by the spirit not by the flesh

Gal 6.8        from that spirit reap eternal life

1Th 1.5         have full conviction of spirit


1Th 5.23      peace sanctifies wholly keep sound blameless

2Ti 4.22      be with your spirit

Heb 4.12      living active spirit to discern thoughts and intentions of heart

Heb 10.15     spirit on their hearts writing on their minds

Heb 12.9      discipline for us and respect it

1Pet 1.2        spirit sanctifies obedience to Jesus' spirit

1Pet 1.22      obedience to truth purifies souls for loving brethren from the heart

1Jn 5.7        spirit witnesses because spirit is truth

1Jn 5.8        the degrees of spirit, water, blood, agree

Jude 20       opposite is spirit together in vision

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - Spirited individuals have whollistic vision for their future.

Table R.14 – Effectuate work character (64 references)

Num 24.2     the spirit of God came upon him, and he took up his discourse

Judg 13.25   spirit of the Lord began to drive him hard

Judg 14.6     spirit Lord came mightily upon him, he tore lion asunder as one tears a kid

Judg 14.19    spirit of the Lord suddenly seized him and he killed 30 men


Judg 15.14    spirit Lord came mightily, new ropes on his arms were like flax caught fire

1Sa 1.15       I have exposed my soul before the Lord

1Sa 10.6       spirit of the Lord will come mightily (suddenly), you shall prophesy with them and become another man

1Sa 10.10      spirit of God came mightily and he was filled with prophetic rapture

1Sa 11.6       spirit of God suddenly seized him and his anger was greatly kindled

1Sa 19.23     spirit of God came, he prophesied, stripped off his clothes, raptured and lay naked all that day and night

1Kin 22.21    a spirit came to stand before the Lord

2Chr 18.20   the enticing spirit stood before the Lord

2Chr 21.16    the Lord stirred (aroused) up anger

2Chr 36.22   Lord stirred heart into speaking and writing


Ezr 1.1         Lord spirited king to proclaim in writing

Job 21.4       "may not I too voice my thoughts"

Job 34.14     man dies if his spirit constrains to himself

Ps 51.12       uphold a willing spirit

Ps 142.3       Thou watch over my [spirit's] steps

Prov 1.23      fools despise wisdom and instruction (1.7) I (Solomon) pour my thoughts (spirit) to you

Eccl 1.14      much activity is vanity feeding on (striving after) the wind

Eccl 2.11      that of hands was vanity wisdom excels (is more profitable than) folly (2.13)

Eccl 3.21      who knows post death travel of spirit(breath) thus enjoy your work (3.22)

Eccl 4.4       achievement from rivalry provides emptiness


Isa 32.15     being spirited provides a lavish life

Isa 48.16     not spoken in secret the Lord sends me and his spirit

Jer 51.11      sharpen and make yourself strong in spirit

Eze 3.14       in bitterness with heated spirit

Eze 3.24      spirit lifted me up and shut me to my house

Eze 18.31     throw off past misdeeds, get a new spirit

Eze 39.29    I [Lord] will no longer hide my face

Dan 4.9        spirit in you solves difficult mysteries

Dan 4.18      spirit able to interpret dreams

Hag 1.14       many spirits worked on the house of the Lord


Zec 4.6        not power, not might, but by my spirit

Mt 1.20        Joseph told Jesus conceived of Holy Spirit

Lk 1.17         spirit cares for children, wisdom of just

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Lk 12.12       Spirit will teach what you ought to say

Mk 13.11       see Lk 12.12

Jn 15.26      see Mk 13.11 counselor will teach all things

Acts 2.4      spirit expands the ability to speak

Acts 4.25     mouthed spirit serves the hearers

Acts 4.31     in seeing, status quo shakes, boldness speaks


Acts 5.3      holding back is anti-spirit

Acts 8.15     work for others to receive the spirit

Acts 8.17     working cooperatively gives the spirit

Acts 8.18     spirit caused by the work can be seen

Acts 8.29     spirit moves to enjoin with others

Acts 9.17     work for others to receive the spirit

Acts 16.16    punishment for conflict

Acts 19.6     their spirit spoke in tongues and prophesied

Rom 15.19     spirit attracts by word, deed, sign, wonder

Rom 15.27     spirit sharing brings material sharing


Rom 15.30     spirit love strives together in your behalf

1Cor 7.40     say things honestly in the spirit

1Cor 14.16    others cannot link if you speak in tongues

2Cor 3.18     unveiled face moves glory degrees in spirit

2Cor 4.13     faith spirit believes and thus speaks

2Cor 5.5      spirit strips off rather than covers up

Phil 1.27       let life manner be firm in spirit and mind striving

Phil 2.1        participation in spirit with same mind, love, accord

Col 2.5         have people with you in spirit rejoicing in your good order

Rev 14.13      their spirits rest but their deeds follow

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - Spirited people are open, work hard, talk, & write together.

Table R.15 – Lead unconstrained spirit (38 references)

1Sa 16.14      spirit of the Lord departed and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him

1Sa 18.10      evil spirit from God rushed in spite of harp

1Sa 19.9       evil spirit from Lord came in spite of harp

1Kin 21.5      why is your spirit so vexed (sullen) that you eat no food?

Job 7.11       complaining in the bitterness of my soul

Job 32.18     the spirit can seem to be unconstrained

Job 34.14     man dies if his spirit constrains to himself

Ps 63.1-2      David seeks early, soul thirsts, flesh longs


Ps 77.6        I meditate and my spirit searches

Eccl 1.17      more a man knows more he has to suffer (.18)

Eccl 4.16      no limit to the number of subjects mastered

Eccl 6.9       not satisfied and not reining to fullness

Eccl 7.8       better the end than its beginning and better patient spirit than proud spirit

Eccl 7.9       be not quick to anger (show resentment)

Eccl 10.4      submission makes amends for great mistakes

Eccl 11.5      you will never know everything

Isa 4.4        cleanse by the spirit of judgment, a consuming spirit

Isa 26.9      my spirit within me earnestly seeks


Isa 38.16     the spirit does not rest

Isa 40.13     spirit of the Lord without limits

Eze 8.3        spirit lifted me there seeing abominations

Eze 18.31     throw off past misdeeds, get a new spirit

Dan 2.1        sleep leaves a troubled spirit

Dan 2.3        spirit troubles to know the dream

Lk 9.55        Jesus left unclean spirits be

Lk 10.20       rejoice in your good spirit not how many spirits are subject to you

Lk 11.13        Holy Spirit for the asking [questioning]

Jn 3.6         spirit gives birth to spirit


Jn 3.8         spirit blows where it wills, not knowing whence it comes or whither it goes

Jn 13.21       agitated spirit  (truth is fact)

Acts 2.17     even last days will vision, dream, prophesy

Acts 4.31     in seeing, status quo shakes, boldness speaks

Acts 13.9     spirit aims with intensity

1Cor 2.10      spirit reveals to us

2Cor 2.13     when mind cannot rest spirit can take leave

2Cor 5.5      spirit strips off rather than covers up

Heb 1.7        make angel spirit and servants having flames

Heb 3.7        hear spirit not harden your heart

Source: From uncategorized file using the category - Spirited individuals are restless, searching, and intense.

Table R.16 – Greathouse references v bible (20% effective)

Gen. 1.2        43      [Page number in Greenhouse book ?  Check with the book.]

Gen. 6.3        43

         69      Gen. 11.4

         23      Gen. 12.2

Gen. 41.38     43

Ex 35.31      44

Num 11.29    43

         60      Deut 6.4

         72      Josh 24.15

Judg 3.10     45

Judg 6.34     45

Judg 11.29    45

Judg 13.25   45

1Sa 10.6       45

1Sa 10.10      45

Job 27. 3     43

Ps 51.11        45

         72      Ps 95.7

Ps 139. 7      44

Isa 11.2       46

Isa 11.2       46

Isa 11.2       46

Isa 11.2       46

Isa 40.13     57

Isa 42.1       46

Isa 44.3      47,97

         72      Isa 55.6

         75      Isa 55.7

Isa 63.10     46

Isa 63.11      46

         47      Jer 31.31

Eze 3.14       45

         45      Eze 3.24

Eze 36.26    47,48

Eze 36.27    47,83

Joe 2.28      47

Joe 2.29      47

Zec 4.6        22

         47      Mal 3.1

Mt 1.18n       49

Mt 1.20n      49

Mt 3.11n       48,81

         97      Mt 5.6

         60      Mt 5.17

         23      Mt 7.20

Mt 10.20      40,51

         72      Mt 11.28

Mt 12.28      51

Mt 12.31n     51

Mt 12.32n    51

         76      Mt 18.3

         76      Mt 21.32

         24      Mt 25.15

         75      Mt 27.3

Mt 28.19n    59

         102    Mk 11.24

Lk 1.15n       49

Lk 1.35n       49

Lk 1.41n       49

         49      Lk 1.68

Lk 1.80        49

Lk 2.25n      49

Lk 2.26n      49

Lk 2.27        49

Lk 3.22n      49

Lk 4.18        30

         16      Lk 9.56

Lk 11.13        101

         72      Lk 13.44

         30      Lk 24.13

Jn 1.32        49

Jn 1.33        49

Jn 1.33n       49

         20      Jn 6.13

         72      Jn 6.44

         72      Jn 7.17

         83      Jn 7.38

Jn 7.39        45,97

Jn 7.39n      45,97

         76      Jn 12.40

         63      Jn 14.9

         65      Jn 14.16

Jn 14.17       22,35,55,56,59

         59      Jn 14.26

         65      Jn 14.18

         23      Jn 15.1

         51,65,88       Jn 16.7

         35,74,88      Jn 16.8

Jn 16.13       9,59

         16      Jn 17.3

         30      Jn 17.6

         81      Jn 17.9

         81      Jn 17.16

         88      Jn 17.17

         88      Jn 17.21

         88      Jn 17.26

Jn 20.22n    30,88

Acts 1.2n     84

         88      Acts 1.1

Acts 1.5n     29,51,53,81

Acts 1.8n     83,87,90

         45      Acts 2.2

Acts 2.4      29

Acts 2.4n     37

         36      Acts 2.12

Acts 2.17     42,52

Acts 2.18     52

         52      Acts 2.19

Acts 2.33n   53

         36      Acts 2.37

Acts 2.38n   52

         82      Acts 2.39

         76      Acts 3.19

         37      Acts 4.19

Acts 4.31n    37

Acts 5.3n     39

Acts 5.9      39

Acts 5.32n   31,95

Acts 7.51n    72

Acts 8.7s     32

Acts 8.15n    32

Acts 8.17n    32

         74      Acts 9.3

Acts 9.17n    32

         33      Acts 10.1

         33      Acts 10.34

Acts 10.38n  30

         34      Acts 11.13

Acts 11.15n   33

Acts 11.16n   33

Acts 11.28    20

Acts 13.2n    38

Acts 13.4n    38

Acts 13.9n    41

         39      Acts 14.23

         38      Acts 15.5

Acts 15.8n    15,82

Acts 15.28n  39

Acts 16.6n    40

Acts 16.7     40

Acts 18.25   34

Acts 19. 2n   28

Acts 20.28n 39

Acts 21.11n   20

         77      Rom 4.7

         77      Rom 5.1

Rom 5. 5n     80,92

         103    Rom 6.11

Rom 8.4        17

Rom 8.9        17,66,80

Rom 8.9        17,66,80

Rom 8.9        17,66,80

Rom 8.10n-    66

Rom 8.11       66

Rom 8.11       66

Rom 8.13      17

Rom 8.14      19,39

Rom 8.16      13,59

Rom 8.16      13,59

Rom 8.26      21,57,59

Rom 8.26      21,57,59

Rom 8.27      21,57

Rom 8.27n    21,57

Rom 10.10

         72      Rom 10.17

Rom 12.11      21

Rom 14.7n     18

Rom 13.14     72      Rom 14.12

Rom 15.16n    101

Rom 15.30     57

         70      1Cor 1.31

1Cor 2.11      57

1Cor 2.11      57

1Cor 2.14      78

1Cor 2.14y    78

         57      1Cor 2.16

1Cor 3.1u      18

1Cor 3.16      36

1Cor 6.11      80

1Cor 6.19n    65

         17      1Cor 9.27

1Cor 12.4      24

1Cor 12.7      24

1Cor 12.11     57

         66      1Cor 12.15

         66      1Cor 13.1

2Cor 1.22     14

2Cor 3.18     84

         14,78  2Cor 4.6

         16      2Cor 4.7

         79      2Cor 5.14

         78      2Cor 5.17

         90      2Cor 5.18

2Cor 7.1       36

         74      2Cor 7.10

2Cor 13.14n  19,59

         65,67,90      Gal 2.20

Gal 3.2        71

Gal 3.3        71

Gal 4.6        13

Gal 5.20n     18

Gal 5.22       16,26

         18      Gal 5.24

Gal 5.25       11

Eph 1.13       16

         69,76 Eph 2.8

         53      Eph 2.13

Eph 2.18       35,62

Eph 2.22      35

         66      Eph 3.17

Eph 4.30      57

Eph 5.18       21,66

Phil 1.19       94

         67      Phil 2.5

         70      Phil 2.12

         18      Phil 4.8

Col 1.23       15

2Ti 2.19       89      2Ti 2.21

Tit 3.5n       80

         23      Heb 4.3

         102    Heb 11.6

         17      Jas 1.13

1Pet 4.14      23      1Pet 5.7

         11       1Jn 1.7

         14      1Jn 2.3

         14      1Jn 3.14

         63      1Jn 3.16

         14      1Jn 3.19

         70      1Jn 4.10

         70      1Jn 4.19

         79      1Jn 5.3

         13      1Jn 5.10

Jude.20n      21

Note: Greathouse referenced 235 passages, 49 additional were multiple references.  Of the 235, 140 matched the bible occurrences of the word spirit, 41 additional were multiple references.  Measured against bible occurrences of the root word spirit, Greathouse performed at a percentage of 20% - 140 of 690.

Note “a” - W.M.Greathouse (1958) The fullness of the spirit. Kansas City MO:  Beacon Hill.  Preface page 5 by S.Young. Book provided by the Nazarene Church.



Note 1 – (a) 14 January 1995 to Craig Sumey, Interim Minister of Evangelism, The Village Church - Presbyterian (USA), Prairie Village KS; (b) 07 February 1995 to Bob and Sue Mackenzie, Shepherd Deacons, The Village Church Mission Road at 67th Street Prairie Village KS 66208; (c) 16 February 1995 review with Bob Moss, Minister of Adult Education; (d) 26 April 1995 and 21 May 1995 submissions to Lindsey Pherigo, retired Professor, St.Paul School of Theology.

Note 2 – SPIRITED  a.1. having a (specified) character, mood, or disposition...., 2. full of spirit; lively; vigorous; energetic; animated. RE-CREATION - v.t. to create or form anew; to remake. COMMANDMENT - n. 1...an order or injunction given by authority; a charge; a precept. PRECEPT - n. 1...direction meant as a rule of action or conduct...(J.L.McKechnie,ed. 1983 Webster's new universal unabridged dictionary.  New York: Dorset & Baber and Simon & Schuster.)

Note that the authority is best functional rather than formal, and action being best from free choice.

Note 3 – WIND - v.t. 10.to change or vary at will; to bend or turn to one's pleasure; to exercise complete control. See SPIRITED note 2.

This control reflects one's individual and personal choice - the kind of choice so necessary to fulfill the word of God (the wholly spirit within the human).

Note 4 – Although not apparent in the membership orientation process or worship service, the mission statement of The Village Church as adopted by the Session of 12 July 1993 is - "to reflect the redeeming love of Jesus in such a winsome and wholesome way that people are drawn...; to open our doors to all people for worship...fellowship and nurture; to give as much to others as to ourselves...."  The author rejoined the church for the spirit of this mission, not for worship service or the quality of weekly sermons. Membership without tithe was allowed.

Note 5 – E.Brubaker (1995 availability) A catechism of the christian faith - based upon the biblical and reformed (presbyterian) heritage.  Prairie Village KS: The Village Presbyterian Church.

Note 6 – J.Ayers (Aug 1994) Why do Presbyterians argue so much?  In Presbyterian Survey, v.84,n.6,p.13+.  Louisville KY: Presbyterian Church USA.

"You can't have a good fight if there isn't a substantial measure of truth on both sides."(6 14).

Apparently, within the Presbyterian Church, there's room for much lay participation, not only in practicing and applying one's faith, but in re-creating or re-discovering truth in unique and personal ways.  Thusly faith can move individuals and others to action.

The Presbyterian Survey provides guidelines for the exploration of religious faith leading to continued spiritual action and growth - stated in terms of what we should avoid.

"Any of the four would be a mistake.  (1) We could increase the authority of the church's hierarchy.  (2) We could focus on a specific written document that codifies what it means to be Presbyterian.  (3) We could leave. There are more than 3000 denominations in the United States, and almost all of them have been formed by church groups splintering away from another.  (4) We could keep quite."(6 15-6).

Thusly, through the author's membership, he chooses (A) to speak and write, (B) to explore the available Presbyterian tools for learning, and (C) to emphasize functional authority in dealing with individual lives and the life of the church.

“Traditionally, we Presbyterians have had confidence...that the voice of the Holy Spirit will be discerned....That means we need the courage to continue arguing even when feelings run quite high."(6 16).

As a result of this coming-closer to the knowledge of God, Harv’s definition of faith has grown away from a state of unquestioning BELIEF (dictionary from note 2 definition 5), and rather grows toward a more complete trust and confidence when structuring the Word of God for his life.

Note 7 – L.Pherigo (Spring 1995) Theology on the move - a history of theological changes.  Wednesday Evening Supper Series by Adult Ministry.  Prairie Village KS: The Village Church.  "This study will describe the theological systems that developed within the history of the Christian Church. We will look at the continuing presence of these systems in our own time and affirm the need for these continual changes as we face the future."  Retired professor, St.Paul School of Theology, book in progress - An Introduction to Process Theology.

Note 8 – Universal basic human needs as determined by scientific psychology.

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