BEGIN Illustration Five
ten ME-SELF scenes
Illustration -- ten ME-SELF scenes 1938-2024+
2024jan30. 2024may10. 2024aug17. :: -2029- statistical 1.HAPPY.DEATH y91 as weekly growth-hours dwindle :: -2024- the perfect blog/tome unlimited internet world-web instant publishing :: -2022- nixed world cruise at $8000 loss to seriously fight CKD-ESRD death arrested -2024 - with plant based diet :: -2020 - settled in Four Townes FL with COA 'office' 2.PERSONAL.GROWTH study :: -2018- with four-wheeled walker and annual pass walked Disney World daily adapting post CA :: -2017- ends 3.LIFE.BICYCLES travel, tricycle remains in CA :: -2016- cancers -- prostate, scalp -- NC residence ends :: -200x- seriousness of seven web-sites write-publish anti-no-talk, gain CA/FL ties 4.INTERGENERATIONAL.RETIREMENT -2022+- Four Townes -2017- CA -2015+- NC -2012+- Baldwin -2001+ Williamsburg -2000+- Tampa -1998+- OH -1996+- KS -1995- MO -1960s+- WI :: -1998- ended 5.SPORTS.CAREER :: -1996-PhD almost a life-partner :: -1992- Germany Swabia Spain :: -1990- retired without realizing :: -1989-1985- 6.EDUCATION.CAREER :: -1984- noted no-talk err*(s) :: -1980-CMA personal computer taken on consulting job (also bowling ball) :: 1982-1961-MBA 7.PERFECT.MARRIAGE (B.Dunn) three 3-week 4-weekend Buick.Riviera vacations Pacific.O. Disney.World Grand.Canyon 8.INDUSTRY.CAREER :: voluntary 4F -1960-BSME correct too-easy calculus exam solution insecurely crossed out , walked to college
custom shoes/ball/notes |
He is immediately curious as to the process whereby he arrived at above expression betterment, validating this as an accurate expression of his lifetime -- he would like to think it the most accurate concise description ever. Academically, Mead provided the I-self and me-self idea with Harv already doing news curation as we-self. The Figure's original 13 functions or actualizations (Maslow, Alderfer) are his me-self statement, and probably the tentative completion of his post-PhD case study 1996-2024.
In his sister blog under this domain, there exists a data page entitled Autotelic LifeFlow (ALF). To create this chart of Harv's life, Harv was guided by Csikszentmihalyi (1990) in the book "Flow." From the charted depiction called ALF, seen encompassing its entire span of 100 years, Harv saw five epochs of his life.
Illustration Six
Illustration -- five EPOCHS within 86 years 1938-2024
- continued SELF-spirit-responsibility LIFE-EPOCH-SIX -- SELF COMPLETES then disappears. "I experience joy-love-freeing via a wholistic self of respect, encouragement, challenge."
- 2 years to arrive at wholistic SELF for LIFE-EPOCH-FIVE. "Starkly compare the above next year’s actualization as it happens."
- CKD to ESRD TERMINUS DID NOT HAPPEN with enough intervened growth lifetime to provide statistical confidence for statistical longevity of 91y.
- 5 years of SELF-spirit-responsibility LIFE-EPOCH-FOUR prior and post. Starkly compare the next year’s actualization as it happens. CKD to ESRD TERMINAL ?
- 22 years of family chase LIFE-EPOCH-THREE
- 35 years life-partnership-chase LIFE-EPOCH-TWO
- 22 years of H2o-self-spirit-development LIFE-EPOCH-ONE
- 1938 December 01 Harv born a bastard weeks after parents’ marriage of Connie’s-temper and Senior’s drink but he never danced
- 1938 shotgun wedding: city-view v farm-view argued abortion (Connie delayed abortion until 2003 — son Harv’s y63 ultimate 'hard" eviction)
Following the 'hard' evil\ction thought of y63, Harv has had 'soft' evictions in his lifetime. Culturally he was an uncontrolled maverick, unwilling to 'play' by sad, hateful, or fearful seemingly autocratic rules. And he was not schooled in diplomatic negotiation (talk). He was alone. He was environmentally 'a loner' -- without a home library, with parochial education that led to a broad-mindedness.
broad-minded: adjective; liberal, tolerant, open-minded, forbearing, indulgent, receptive, progressive, freethinking, permissive, libertarian, unshockable; unprejudiced, unbiased, unbigoted, impartial, undogmatic, catholic, flexible, dispassionate, just, fair. ANTONYMS narrow-minded, intolerant.(COA)
2024feb09. A life-way free of slavery -- economic, codependency, dependency, v universal needs of E R G, .... Growth needs of intellectual activity -- Curiosity Stream (quantum mechanics), Wondrium (Stoic thought, Emotional Intelligence), book genres, world leanings via news media, ...