Theory W Self Organization

 Illustration Eleven
an individual’s dynamic life.flow.functions
a Theory W Self Organization
(scroll down to “end Illustration Eleven”

*act description underlined indicates use in POCTA
-green highlight of act# signifies a 'loose' link, that is, no WHY link, or no WAY link.
-click light green italics for hyperlink detail

held for whatever reason
usually has no task/act/Page#

present                                                                                non present (actualized)
act# verb-descriptor-noun pre#                          act# verb-descriptor-noun pre#

222 website self model
221 prep new week
220 discard SF8 software 221
219 discard 7300 scanner 220 
218 update living will “L.Will” 155 217
217 address family slides 216
216 create family library 215
215 scan Ai( slides 15 219 220
214 update Me-Self life.flow 213
213 narrate y2024 life.flow
212 maintain cozy.warm sleep.bag
211 soak experience 
210 measure weekly productivity
209 flow lifetime actions 207
208 soak write.cabin experience 207 209
207 choose next.POCTAI-Self 159
206 soak experience 207
205 create niceties 159 206
204 flee SHF bad 159
203 feel JLF good 145 204 159 206
202 prospect religious reasoning 109
201 please other selves 196 200 203
200 please Harv’s self 196 201 202
199 study wealth transactions 109
198 manage liquid wealth 199
197 optimize minimal as-sets 176 198
196 be stable ‘pleaser’ 5 67 75 197
195 create real retirement 194
194 close post-PhD publication 182 
193 text information topic(s) 
192 listen Susan listenee 193
191 close/open blog week 190
190 develop self-stable resiliency 175
189 get self where 186 190 194
188 track POCTA life.flow 159
187 experience super health 188 203
186 restore super health 187    when 24w41T6pm
185 evaluate retirement nexts 179
184 integrate sectioned writ 183
183 write headlines section 69
182 rewrite postPhD sections 179
181 avoid Milton hurricane 
180 read other writers 152
179 narrate life.flow 180 182 207
178 lose obesity weight 159
177 enjoy comfort food 159
176 glean self as-sets 159 163
175 study reasoning self 147
174 ENHANCE FURTHER SELF-ESTEEM 158 140 [reasoning etc]
173 understand complexity theory 147
172 complete post.PhD publication
171 post convenient contents 168
170 merge M1 M2 M4 computers
169 consolidate iCloud writ 170
168 search lost writ 169
167 post online job.resume 168
166 place Theory.W online when:2024w38
165 review Theory.W dissertation 166 161
164 ally related Theory.W 165 
163 capture sleep.less muse 000
162 nix CKDliterature nutritionist 159 146
161 enjoy DisneyWorldMcD weekends 159
160 enjoy W.SunRail DisneyWorld 159

159 muse 24/7brain thoughts 000 163
158 create fulfillable niceties 171 159 154 146 205
157 donate 12thFLgal. blood 159 154 144

[critical path to #156 ‘act’ is ?, that is 155 154 153 88 etc ?]
[critical not to minimize time duration but to satisfice JLF happiness]
[that MAY include maximizing lifetime duration = referenced as ‘CPM’]
155 chose’CPM’ graceful death 154 117 87 187 215
154 muse JoyLoveFreeing happiness 153 172
153 advance write experiences 88 
152 use/build write/read system 153
151 write understood evidence 88 152
150 evidence understanding 151
149 understand self/others actions 150
148 read interest books 147
147 study self/others actions 148 115 191     [theories base on observation / muse159]
145 draw blood 144
144 engage PCP 145
143 publish written scribble 152
142(fragment12) build Contents bottom-up 143
141 achieve post-PhD write 142 146 179
140 write niceties 114 141 154
139 use COA office 
138 maintain functional health 129 134 137 144 157
137 choose tiredness Tx 130 136
136 explain tiredness 135
135 study liver cysts 115
134 set/answer pills alarm-clock 000 
133 continue PhD study 131 140
132 overlay calendar act#s
131 write precedence-network 132
130 putz 
128 eat * restaurant 
125 write/share Theory-W narrative 124 131 133
126 expand COA-retirement-office to-car duplicate 
RIM use in COA parking lot.
124 create ideation details/outline 126 
127 chase ill health
126 daydream 127 130
129 practice solitude 128 
128 live hermitage 123 duplicate
123 write precedence-network 124
121 host * socialization 122
122 challenge selected others 123
123 choose self actions
120 commute 119
119 maintain Dyna-Tune RIM 91
117 enhance longevity comfort 177 178
116 blog/journal lifetime wholly-hours
115 surf internet
114 curate media news 68 72 73 115
115 enlist Tmobile communication 109
113 manage Rx pills
112 reinvent COA computing-activity
111 use quality broadband 108 109 112 only achieved week 23w45
110 blog activity logic
109 negotiate Tmobile-unlimited data/internet 86
108 hung-in-Rim gateway hotspot 109
107 study heart aneurysm 115
write tome narrative this week means no slide digitization
106 better self operation 105 116
102 evidence self fulfillment 80 82 104 110 188  Attempting to use last week's precedence-network act#'s. 
105 vision this-week's aims 100
104 account whole-hour time-spent
101 locate comfort solitude 4
100 review week's routine/acts 101 103
103 ratchet weekly blog
99 grasp CA-retirement mentality 98
98 appreciate post-CA eviction
97 update 2013?-era bookmarks        
83 watch James-Burke curiosity-stream 85
85 subscribe curiosity stream 91
91 invest-(buy) freeing resources 4 92 109
92 bought-out marriage mistake
93 prepare comfort sleep 137 
94 maintain physical body 58 107 113 118
118 sleep 93
95 maintain mental stability 94 96 84
96 ingest mental-clarity pill
87 use lifetime effectively 88 173
88 choose wisdom act(s) 89               [flaw loop ?]
89 reason 90
90 see life-flow acts 151                   [flaw loop ?]
84 appreciate nano fabrication 83
86 buy unlimited internet-connection 74 91
57 diclofenac L-foot arch 
58 heal L-foot arch 17 57 59 61 62
59 boot L-foot arch 61 91
60 break L-foot arch
61 self L-foot Dx-Tx 60
62 try crutches
43 avoid $10-monthly TextSniper-app 44
44 use OwlOCR snipper 45
45 study Google-OCR search 46
46 react unavailable TextSniper 47
47 blog next SRF-Lesson 48
48 use iPhone SRF-app 49
49 engage SRF philosophy 50 available 2023nov20
63 engage Stoic philosophy 49
50 followup RAY-sociality leads/clues 51
51 engage COA-social venue 52,64
52 study retirement operation 99
53 blog notation SKF-Lesson-4 44
54 publish lifetime commentary 53 141
55 study Eileen's Assisted-Living 56
56 affordable E.A.L. scene
digitize family slides
80 question retirement operation 52 55 100
64 eat bran COA-breakfast 65,70
81 take super-health supplements/pills 64
82 experience joy-love-freeing 70 79 80 81 86 87 95 111 120 125 126 138 158
70 drive R.I.M
65 advantage COA/financial offerings 66
66 buy COA membership 67
79 enjoy live-keyboard music 66
67 study local offerings 77
77 house-sit-DeBary Shepardson boxers-orchids 78
78 son-marry extended family
71 visit rest room 65
67 spiff sociality 71,17
68 charge electronics 66
72 scan media  newsletters
73 browse media web-sites 74
74 buy internet hotspots 66 75 
75 study Google higher-tech 76
76 buy Apple Mac-Air-M2 4 
operate self retirement-comfort 2,4,6,7,9,10,14,20,21,26,31,33,37
10 recognize world-hottest-even October
2 form Five Wishes 3
4 fund self operation 5,43
5 study fidelity 'instant'-statements
7  enjoy weakness-23w44  ebb
9 idle car a/c
10 eat buffet weekends
14 solidify self wholly-spirit 13 49 
13 study SRF lesson four
37 enjoy sleep sweet-dreams-fantasy 20.38
35 build Theory-W 34
34 study fantasy wishful-thinking 
38 endure 2-hour-duration sleep 39
39 pee easy convenience 40
40 live in-car Park-n-Ride 41
41 settled retirement Four-Townes 42
42 grew-out Disney annual-pass
33 enjoy Susan sociality-fantasy 25
25 text daughter Susan
31 idle car 110v
21 idle car heat
20 adjust bed-shim sleep
27 halve protein bar
28 skip afternoon triscuits
17 lose 261# weight 27.28
enjoy TXRH salmon
06 write web site
26 control death chaos 2

12 develop anti-no-talk family
15 scan family slides
16 mark Apex-Otto's 27th-birthday 15

000[was156] arrive ultimate end 189 174 157 155 140 203 218 

end Illustration Eleven


LIFE-FLOW is usually measured in time units.  This web-site is for the current year, for example.  For another time-unit, this blog-site concerns weekly self-organization activity.

LIFE-FLOW can also be seen apart from time-units -- LIFE-FLOW can be seen as A LOGICAL PROGRESSION of lifetime acts, toward death if you wish, but more lofty, TOWARD A VISION, mission statement, aim, or goal.  

Harv's vision is "82 experience joy-love-freeing 70 79 80 81 86 87 95 111 120 125 126 138" as of 2023week47.

BUT, putting that complexity aside for now, let's begin back at the the 23w47 calendar snippet's first life-flow act of the day -- "surf internet".  This verb-noun act description/record is a 'wholly hour' meaning that calendar life-flow acts are to be calendar-measured in whole hours only, for practicality.

The next snippet act is "118 sleep 93" -- a nice simple example for further explanation -- "118" is the act#,  "sleep" is the verb, and "93" is the pre# -- more on that follows.

Previously, "internet" was the example noun of that verb-noun act description/record.  The use of record brings explanation of the simplified database record of Theory-W, that of "act# verb-descriptor-noun pre#(s) who when where worth ...".   The v-d-n description is "what", and the overarching purpose of the precedence-network-database is the why<--->way, that is, the act#<--->pre#(s).

Back to "118 sleep 93", "118" is the act#, "sleep" is the act,  "93" the pre#.  From the database, find act# "93" as "93 prepare comfort sleep".  Note that "prepare comfort sleep" is not 'timed' on the calendar -- in Harv's case "prepare" is absorbed in "sleep'.  As a point of curiosity, in the database, the "what(s)" are highlighted in light blue color.

In precedence-network parlance, those two acts are written/read in narration as in either direction -- 118 sleep 93 <---> 93 prepare comfort sleep.  From "prepare" reading to the left answers the question why, that is "sleep".  The how/way of "sleep" reads to the right, that is 'prepare".  

For Otto's self-organization as of week 47 is written below.  In fancy terms, it is written in the language of precedence-network-database (PNDL).  For corporate entities the database is easily sorted into job descriptions for study.  

2023nov11.    The second-week iteration of this precedence network application, elevates its self operation portrayal,  to a higher level, that is, ultimately to joy-love-freeing, away from sad-hate-fear, for self-another-others -- the organization's vision.  A narrative form of corporate vision are mission statements, published in most annual reports.

actualized current week 23w47 — act# 139 and prior.

2024sep20.     week24w38 — not only recouped from overloading Blogger with Contents updates probably 2024sep13F, but now the write operation is coming together more productively, even past the recoup stage of this past week.  Today’s progress begins with a seeming peak reflected in Illustration Seven with the action “write niceties” whose integration begins below as “act#140 write niceties“, and the precedence network logic flow from there.

highlights 2023nov
held for whatever reason
order detergent sheets
buy charger hub
don/shed winter tights 48F 
open dash wires
wake Safari gig
finish current vaccinations
form Five Wishes ..
challenge sociality
stream video
read book/videos

highlights 2023oct
held for whatever reason

sent death wishes to PCP/others
adjust CKD nutrition April nutritionist
lost creativity/productivity
many vaccinations
FLAW FOUND -- RETHINK and REWRITE required -- ...
 Self Happenings (weekly blog posts) are written in the language of data-base precedence-network language (Harv's conglomeration) using verb-descriptor-noun phraseology.  Example: first, characterize a chosen action of an organization with another act# = #3 state organization mission #2 , where #3 act is the why of #1.  Back to act#1   WRITTING INTERRUPTION

#2 is #1's preceding act number; second, determine the why of #1 ask why or how (the way) to #1.  If you ask why, then the answer could be -- #2 explain precedence network #1.  In a database record format that means #2 is preceded by #1.  In flow chart language that would be charted as (explain...) <--- (characterize...) ,and read in 'why<---way protocol' as "the way to (#2explain...) is to (#1characterize...).

Moving to a more complex example of an actual week (2023week46) in an organization, the below example data has 90+ 'explained' acts. Go to the middle of the week's data set, and read "52 study retirement operation."  Fifty-two (52) is the act#, "study retirement operation" is the "VERB-DESCRIPTOR-NOUN action phrase."  Now scan the 90+ date set for the number fifty-two in the pre# position.  

Harv's Theory-W conglomeration gives; 
instant publishing; 
a database replacement for time-consuming and eventually impossibly obsolete PERT/GANDT-type chart drawings (WHY <---> WAY); 
expandability to WHO, WHEN, WHERE, HOW(the WAY), that is, job descriptions for better effectiveness leverage; Proven at DeZurik for 10% bottom-line profit improvement ($5,000,000).
technical project control; Proven at Mercury Marine Engineering with two sets of reconciled $ books, one for budget control, the other for project effectiveness.
can Theory W (Functional Organization principles apply to Self-Organization ?  Decades later -- still trying.

……….. expansionary comments apart from the above narrative

174 loop example